Great architectural ensembles

Gothic furniture
Suppose you want to arrange a room or office in this Gothic style. Well, the…

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Early megalithic structures of Asia Minor
Large ceremonial structures IX Millennium BC have been discovered in Asia Minor. They belong to…

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The Romans adopted from the Greeks all their main achievements, including the steam baths. In…


Gothic furniture
Suppose you want to arrange a room or office in this Gothic style. Well, the…


Underground construction
One of the structural units of Construction Association interbudmontazh, the company “Interbudtunnel” performs works on…


The stained glass Windows of Gothic cathedrals
"Sculpture of the Romanesque style" - Why? DONJON – the main tower of the castle,…


To buy, order gazebo in Nikolaev and in the South of Ukraine

As it turned out, the idea of creating a cosy corner for relaxation in the form of the gazebos . came to us from ancient Egypt. This civilization of the pharaohs was developed much more than other Nations and still remains an inexhaustible storehouse of discoveries, which are successfully used by scientists all over the world. On the images, preserved on the walls of tombs, saw our contemporaries semblance of light construction in the garden for the rest of the pharaohs. So, the first pavilion designed in Egypt. Such structures have marked the history of ancient Rome. The vanity was moved by rich Romans and therefore they took over only the most expensive and sophisticated in those days. To protect from the hot rays of the sun and a pleasant stay in the fresh air used the gazebo . Certainly, ancient structures have been more thorough, was called pavilions, and its function performed properly.

What in our time? Aren’t we also use the gazebo to relax? Gone is the era of the rulers, but their legacy has allowed architects to create an artful pergola to us mere citizens. Now wondering where to buy a gazebo . we do not think about its origins. And the story really interesting. Continue reading

About the most mysterious structure on the planet – gates Tonga

Hi all. Today I wanted to introduce you to one interesting structure. The gate of Tonga is one of the most mysterious and amazing structures on the planet. They are supplied in the Eastern part of the island of Tongatapu.

It is impossible to imagine that in these remote and desolate places, once lived in peace. And the man? Now in this deserted place is an archaeological reserve. The gates are built in the shape of the letter “P” made of massive blocks, five meters high. It remains a mystery how they managed to move blocks weighing forty-five tons, which was built so strange and amazing building.

Just imagine the surprised faces of the travellers, when in the middle of the 20th century in the Pacific ocean on the island of Tongatapu was discovered is absolutely incredible and amazing building – the Gate of Tonga. You can only guess, as among the thickets, on a tiny island formed a huge stone monument, where there are no stones at all? How they came to be in such remote and isolated places? After all, the closest island located two hundred miles from Tongatapu. Continue reading

In the Syrian desert discovered mysterious structures

Robert Mason of the Royal Ontario Museum (Canada) discovered in Syria, a mysterious stone circles and other features of the landscape that look as if they created people.

“They don’t have impressive size, as some of the megaliths, but they are clearly deliberately aligned, and therefore very interesting,” — said the archaeologist who first stumbled on them in 2009 near the monastery of Deir Mar Musa (Saint. Moses the Abyssinian), which is approximately 80 km North of Damascus.

A pile of stones (stage building) and a stone circle. Photo: Robert Mason

Alas, the tense situation in Syria have hindered excavation. A preliminary analysis of fragments of stone tools, are scattered in this area, put this date in their Neolithic and early bronze age of 6-10 thousand years ago.

According to Mr. Mason, the stones are positioned to stand out amid the empty landscape. Nearby there is nothing that would indicate a settlement. This is unusual, because the Neolithic people, as a rule, buried the dead and performed rites right there where they lived. Continue reading

The mysterious stones of the planet

Science has reached the depths of the sea and the heights of space, but still powerless before some of the stones ― the ancient and unknown.

Science has reached the depths of the sea and the heights of space, but still powerless before some of the stones ― the ancient and unknown.

Scientists have found that most are made of solid lava, but there are instances, and made of sedimentary rocks. Balls were found in many countries and continents ― Central America, USA, New Zealand, Romania, Kazakhstan, Brazil and Russia. Many unique specimens have been stolen, destroyed or even blown up, as the hunters believed that the inside can be hidden gold.

According to historians and archaeologists in Central America balls could muster in front of the house of nobles, thus demonstrating their status, but that doesn’t explain their purpose, in particular, in Novaya Zemlya or Franz Joseph Land. Continue reading

Gothic architecture.

Architecture is the art of creating masterpieces, among which we live and which we admire every day. We pass by, not knowing how much effort, knowledge and talent invested in the seemingly ordinary in our opinion the building. In every age of the building and their architecture expressed the changes in society, in the formation of the state in public order and other things.

The term “Gothic” in the modern sense was first used by Giorgio Vasari to distinguish the Renaissance from the middle Ages. Gothic architecture originated in 1150 – 1550, in the North of France. This style not only architecture but also painting, sculpture, murals, etc., in the late Medieval period. It spread across Western and Central Europe, to a lesser extent in Eastern Europe. In part, it arose out of German culture. Also contributed to the emergence of a new style and Islamic culture, with its Crusades and products. This style is, first of all, the religious undertones that characterizes the Christian worldview. Gothic style became the platform for the displacement of feudalism because they were under pressure from the “free cities”. This contributed to the development of trade and craftsmanship in these cities, which in turn helped to gain Finance for construction,in addition to craft shops were preparing qualified specialists. Continue reading

About the most mysterious structure on the planet - gates Tonga
Hi all. Today I wanted to introduce you to one interesting structure. The gate of…


Most mystical places in Ukraine
Such tourism like visiting mysterious places , recently starting to gain popularity. And after all,…


Gothic architecture.
Architecture is the art of creating masterpieces, among which we live and which we admire…

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Unknown Turkey
In one of the most mysterious corners of the globe - Cappadocia one of the…
