The Gothic Cathedral
The Gothic Cathedral contains in itself the whole world of the medieval city, is an…

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The Mystery Of Stonehenge
Stonehenge (Engl. Stonehenge, lit. "stone henges") — a UNESCO world heritage stone megalithic structure (cromlech)…

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Underground pyramids in Crimea
The topic is close to me. Ran into her in the study of its main…


Cyclopean structures of antiquity
Not far from the ancient Rauza in the wilderness of the forest... there is a…


Underground pyramids in Crimea
The topic is close to me. Ran into her in the study of its main…


Is it possible to build a house without a Foundation?
One of the main requirements to build a house without foundations is the presence of…



Architecture Venice

Venice embodies the harmonious mixture of different styles, which characterize different eras. The picturesque town is not at the expense of nature and greenery, which will not find here in abundance, and thanks to the kaleidoscope of streets and canals, sumptuous palaces and Gothic churches, which, merging together, create a magical, colorful look of the city on the water. On the Venetian architecture was significantly influenced by four styles – Byzantine, Romanesque, Gothic and Renaissance. It worked the architect Longhena, Palladio, Codussi, Sansovino, the painters Titian, Giorgione, Guardi, Tintoretto, Canaletto, Tiepolo and many others.

In 14-16 centuries laid the architectural appearance of Venice, which absorbed the traditions of the Byzantine, Arab and Gothic motifs. The city centre is simply filled with architectural masterpieces. St. Mark’s square, paved with marble, decorated pentagonal eponymous Cathedral, built in 829 -832 years and rebuilt in the 11th century, framed by marble edifices of Old (early 15th – early 16th centuries) and New Procuratie (16-17 CC.). The Cathedral is decorated with bronze Continue reading

The most mystical and mysterious tourist routes


The rest is a relative thing and individual. And among tourists there are certainly those for whom the city is banal and uninteresting pastime. But to visit places, thrilling mystical events, or go the mysterious route, it was a lesson worthy of the holiday.

In many countries of the world there are haunted castles, hotels killers or paranormal areas, they attract the bravest and most foolhardy of adventurers. Let’s visit the most mystical and mysterious places of the planet. Unforgettable impressions and the adrenaline rush is provided to all without exception!

Hockomock swamp and Freetown forest

Location: Massachusetts, USA Continue reading

In Torun is full of beautiful places!

Torun is one of the most beautiful cities in Poland, situated on the North of the country on the banks of the Vistula river. Gothic architectural monuments located in the Old town of Torun, in 1997 were listed as a world heritage site by UNESCO. During the second World war, the city is not substantially affected, so all the old buildings and the building retains its original appearance.

Archaeological excavations confirm that the first settlements on the territory of present city was founded in 1100 BC but the name Torun gave the settlement the knights of the Teutonic order, who arrived here in the early thirteenth century. and who built a castle here. Toruń city rights received in 1233 over the centuries, the city remained an important center of trading routes and several times changed its owners: toruń was a part of not only Poland, but also Prussia and Sweden.

Torun – the city is famous for gingerbread, a genuine Gothic structures and Nicolaus Copernicus. Here, in 1473 G. was born the famous astronomer and mathematician, the author of the geocentric system of the world, which marked the beginning of the 1st scientific revolution. The Nicolaus Copernicus University in Torun is one of the most prestigious Universities in Poland. Continue reading

Megalithic structures
The idea of the existence of a relationship between the various monumental buildings, located in…


Cyclopean structures of antiquity
Not far from the ancient Rauza in the wilderness of the forest... there is a…


Is it possible to build a house without a Foundation?
One of the main requirements to build a house without foundations is the presence of…

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Dobele castle
Castle and forest In 1729, the last inhabitants left the castle, and it has never…
