The most magnificent Gothic cathedrals in France
Chartres Cathedral The Cathedral in Chartres (XII-XIV centuries) is considered one of the most beautiful…

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Gothic rebus
One of the most beautiful buildings of Paris, praised by Victor Hugo, the legends and…

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Who built the pyramids for the Egyptians?
Could the ancient Egyptians to erect their own giant pyramids and palaces? People who only…


Romanesque and Gothic style
VC connect draperies in interior architecture is defined by the. Windowless space of classical antiquity…


During the reconstruction of the Nesvizh castle have been discovered unknown underground structures
Correspondents BelTA has learned that during the reconstruction of the Nesvizh castle have been found,…


The Church Of The Transfiguration
Picturesque village (and the city with the Magdeburg law) War lies with the highway Cherkassy-Kanev…



In the Syrian desert discovered mysterious structures

Robert Mason of the Royal Ontario Museum (Canada) discovered in Syria, a mysterious stone circles and other features of the landscape that look as if they created people.

“They don’t have impressive size, as some of the megaliths, but they are clearly deliberately aligned, and therefore very interesting,” — said the archaeologist who first stumbled on them in 2009 near the monastery of Deir Mar Musa (Saint. Moses the Abyssinian), which is approximately 80 km North of Damascus.

A pile of stones (stage building) and a stone circle. Photo: Robert Mason

Alas, the tense situation in Syria have hindered excavation. A preliminary analysis of fragments of stone tools, are scattered in this area, put this date in their Neolithic and early bronze age of 6-10 thousand years ago.

According to Mr. Mason, the stones are positioned to stand out amid the empty landscape. Nearby there is nothing that would indicate a settlement. This is unusual, because the Neolithic people, as a rule, buried the dead and performed rites right there where they lived. Continue reading

The mysterious stones of the planet

Science has reached the depths of the sea and the heights of space, but still powerless before some of the stones ― the ancient and unknown.

Science has reached the depths of the sea and the heights of space, but still powerless before some of the stones ― the ancient and unknown.

Scientists have found that most are made of solid lava, but there are instances, and made of sedimentary rocks. Balls were found in many countries and continents ― Central America, USA, New Zealand, Romania, Kazakhstan, Brazil and Russia. Many unique specimens have been stolen, destroyed or even blown up, as the hunters believed that the inside can be hidden gold.

According to historians and archaeologists in Central America balls could muster in front of the house of nobles, thus demonstrating their status, but that doesn’t explain their purpose, in particular, in Novaya Zemlya or Franz Joseph Land. Continue reading

The most magnificent Gothic cathedrals in France

Chartres Cathedral

The Cathedral in Chartres (XII-XIV centuries) is considered one of the most beautiful in Europe. Chartres, where the precious relics of our lady, enjoyed the special protection of king Louis IX, who gave the Cathedral a large window-rose. Stained glass Windows donated to the Cathedral, the artisans of the city.

In the construction of the Cathedral was attended by many people: for example, in 40-ies of the XII century Norman thousands of pilgrims came to Chartres and a few months to destroy stone blocks in the walls of the Cathedral reach two to three meters long and one meter in height. The Western facade is the only thing that survived from an earlier building. Its creation dates to 1170. The façade is adorned with three richly decorated with magnificent stone carvings of the portal belonging to the XII century. From the North and South facades of the building you can see is very typical of French Gothic, a huge, round lace box, in which the openings in lead casements inserted stained glass. The diameter of the Windows of the transept is 13 meters. A screen similar to this entered art history under the name “rose”. It first appeared in the Chartres Cathedral, Continue reading

Lace Gothic Prague Castle
The place is known to everyone, and it is called Prague Castle. Today our tour…


Facilities for surface water intake
Complex structures, which serve to extract water from the source is called the water intake.…


The most ancient structures in the world
Geological structure. Like North America, Eurasia millions of years ago was part of the ancient…

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Mysterious Stonehenge
The harsh and inhospitable terrain seems plain of Salisbury in southern England. Icy chilly winds…
