In Torun is full of beautiful places!
Torun is one of the most beautiful cities in Poland, situated on the North of…

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Gothic cathedrals
Gothic, Gothic style arose and dominated the Western artistic culture immediately after romance. Gothic art…

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The most magnificent Gothic cathedrals in France
Chartres Cathedral The Cathedral in Chartres (XII-XIV centuries) is considered one of the most beautiful…


The BRONZE AGE (around the 2nd Millennium BC)
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The space of the Gothic Cathedral

Romanesque cathedrals are majestic and simple. Their huge, strong and, maybe, even a little severe internal space set to a festive thought. The space of the Gothic Cathedral always amazed at the sophistication of some of the interior decoration. Streaming through the huge stained glass window light, if you can split it into hundreds and thousands of coloured lights, gives the whole space a colorful character, melodic world, quite unlike the harsh and everyday that is left outside of the temple.

Pillars of colored light, Lancet Windows completed, sprouted flowers and leaves, and spires of countless canopies over the statues, bunches of slender columns — everything as it strives to enthrall you up to the mysterious, the unknown boundary, beyond which there is eternal joyous bliss. The Gothic temple is colorful and ornate.

It creates a feeling of festive joy. This beautiful Reims Cathedral.

Art historians certainly would be called no less beautiful Gothic churches in France, England and Germany. But in France the new style was born.

And Reims Cathedral is inextricably linked with the history of the state. He became a symbol of the unity of the French nation. And yet the most beautiful piece of Gothic art is the chapel of Saint-Chapelle in Paris.

Her visualartist Pierde Montero commissioned by Louis IX in 1243 — 1248. Just as in Reims was built a new Cathedral. Fortunate and pious king defeated his ancestral enemies of the English in 1242.

Participated in the 7th Crusade. On his return he reformed the judicial system in the country, compiled and published a code of laws and ordinances. After his death was canonized by the Church and was given the name of St. Louis.

In 1230 the Byzantine Emperor Baldwin was forced to replenish his Treasury to sell the crown of thorns of Christ and other sacred relics of the passion of Christ. Louis bought them, paying by weight pure gold.

To store these shrines he had built in his Palace, near the Cathedral of Notre Dame, special storage-the reliquary — the Sacred Chapel — Saint-Chapelle. (Today, the site of the Royal Palace stands the building of the Palace of Justice of France and with it a Capella.) It is noteworthy that Louis IX was a contemporary of our great Prince Alexander Nevsky, famous for his talent of military leader.

The Russian Church after the death of the Prince was also canonized him. The building of the chapel of Saint-Chapelle is a miracle by its lightness and elegance: it consists only of bundles of thin columns supported by buttresses fragile. By tradition, the Royal chapel has two floors.

Very high in the ground floor there is a small three-nave hall is seven meters in height. Dark red walls and gold ornament gives it a very special look. This lower chapel designed for the courtiers. The upper floor has a single nave width of 17 meters and a height of 20.5 meters.

Instead of the normal smooth surface of the walls — huge Windows with a height of 15 meters (five-storey house) with colourful paintings of glass. They reproduce 1134 biblical scenes and occupy an area of 618 square meters.

This luxurious room was intended for the king and his entourage. Very steep roof of the chapel is crowned by a delicate and elegant slender spire. The height of the entire structure to the top of the cross on the spire is 75 meters.

(The height of the Spassky tower of the Moscow Kremlin together with the star is equal to 71 meters.) Such grandeur, elegance and understated beauty of the Gothic architecture no longer knows.

So the chapel can be considered the pinnacle of style. Gothic — style majestic and triumphant, which lasted until the XV century. Exactly triumphant.

No coincidence that almost four centuries later, the people again turned to him. For these centuries has repeatedly changed the political map of Europe, have made great geographical scientific and technological discoveries.

Changing tastes, styles, habits. And suddenly, in the late eighteenth century, people turned to its distant past. In the history of the middle ages they tried to find answers to relevant questions: what is honor, honesty, decency?

Here then arose in architecture is “neo-Gothic”. Of course, it differed from the Gothic to the present. Not enough grace, ease, fantasy games, understanding the essence of the old style.

But still the “Gothic revival”, as her great-great-great-grandmother, found its embodiment in many countries. In Russia, for example, under Catherine II were built Chesmensky Palace and Chesme Church on the outskirts of St. Petersburg and Tsaritsyno Palace on the outskirts of Moscow. Again interest in the Gothic revival broke out in Russia in 30-ies of the XIX century.

The evidence Marfino estate near Moscow, pavilions Chapelle, the White Tower and Pensioner’s stables at Tsarskoye Selo and some other buildings. It is noteworthy that even now at the turn of the second and third millennia some Gothic elements are employed in the decoration of the gigantic skyscrapers.

The space of the Gothic Cathedral
Romanesque cathedrals are majestic and simple. Their huge, strong and, maybe, even a little severe…


The stained glass Windows of Gothic cathedrals
"Sculpture of the Romanesque style" - Why? DONJON – the main tower of the castle,…


Churches, cathedrals, temples and monasteries of the Netherlands
St. Eusebius Church is the largest and most impressive temple of Arnhem. The construction of…

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The stained glass Windows of Gothic cathedrals
"Sculpture of the Romanesque style" - Why? DONJON – the main tower of the castle,…
