Great architectural ensembles

10 thousand years ago
To the rear of the junction she bent down. But then there is not a…

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10 thousand years ago
To the rear of the junction she bent down. But then there is not a…

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The space of the Gothic Cathedral
Romanesque cathedrals are majestic and simple. Their huge, strong and, maybe, even a little severe…


List of megalithic structures and give a brief description.
Court decisions in States, decisions of arbitration tribunals and m/n commercial arbitration, adopted by them…


Megalithic structures
The idea of the existence of a relationship between the various monumental buildings, located in…


Mysterious Stonehenge
The harsh and inhospitable terrain seems plain of Salisbury in southern England. Icy chilly winds…


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Pyramids of Giza – the history of the ancient monument of Egypt

Normally, under the concept of “pyramids of Giza” modern man understands only the complex of the three largest buildings of Khufu, khafra and menkaura. However, it is supplemented by a large number of smaller pyramids, temples, ancient cemeteries and, of course, the legendary Sphinx.

The history of the pyramids in Giza

The exact dates of construction of these monuments still can not say anything definite. However, there is no doubt that the construction of the entire complex in Giza valley was completed to the XXIII century BC that is the age of the youngest of the monument goes back at least 3200 years.

Initially, the shape of the pyramids was quite different than now. The main entrances to the tombs were built covered galleries connecting them with churches. But the main thing – the giant stone faces of graves covered the shining of Tura limestone, the thickness of which was about one meter. Continue reading

The Gothic Cathedral

The Gothic Cathedral contains in itself the whole world of the medieval city, is an encyclopedia. The Gothic temperamental and dramatic, and stressful life of the medieval city. The birthplace of Gothic architecture was France, a little later it spread into Germany (Cologne Cathedral, “brick Gothic”), England (Westminster Abbey in London), Czech Republic (St. Vitus Cathedral) and other countries of the Catholic world.

The most famous cathedrals in France dedicated to our lady: Notre Dame u Amiens, Chartres, Rouen and, of course, in Reims and Paris. It’s “a huge stone Symphony” (V. Hugo) with complex sculptural decoration, where each element of the architecture “humanized”, is inhabited by various living creatures, and the Gothic statue is a striking expression of inspired ecstasy, which transforms, ennobles emaciated bodies. After all, in the Gothic art expressed itself, the third estate, with its dreams and suffering, despair and hope.

In the temple synthesis of arts, in the creation of the image of God the world trailing dot put music. Continue reading

Dobele castle

Castle and forest

In 1729, the last inhabitants left the castle, and it has never lived. The surrounding people noticed it and began to slowly disassemble the walls and buildings, using stones for the construction of their homes and farm structures.

We decided to go to one of the most sacred and the most mysterious places of Latvia, on the way stopped in the town of Dobele is to inspect it and what is left of the ancient castle there. The route is a pleasant, interesting, exactly on the day. First on the itinerary was a castle.


Once in our limits came the sword-crusaders, they just did what they built fortresses and fortified castles. Historians all built counted and found that in the period from 1185 to 1562 in the year in the territory of Latvia was erected about 150 castles. About because the exact number impossible to establish, because a lot of built was completely destroyed, as a building material disappeared up to the last stone. And some of the locks, being of wood, burned down to the present day have not reached at all. Continue reading

The space of the Gothic Cathedral

Romanesque cathedrals are majestic and simple. Their huge, strong and, maybe, even a little severe internal space set to a festive thought. The space of the Gothic Cathedral always amazed at the sophistication of some of the interior decoration. Streaming through the huge stained glass window light, if you can split it into hundreds and thousands of coloured lights, gives the whole space a colorful character, melodic world, quite unlike the harsh and everyday that is left outside of the temple.

Pillars of colored light, Lancet Windows completed, sprouted flowers and leaves, and spires of countless canopies over the statues, bunches of slender columns — everything as it strives to enthrall you up to the mysterious, the unknown boundary, beyond which there is eternal joyous bliss. The Gothic temple is colorful and ornate.

It creates a feeling of festive joy. This beautiful Reims Cathedral.

Art historians certainly would be called no less beautiful Gothic churches in France, England and Germany. But in France the new style was born. Continue reading

Romanesque and Gothic style

VC connect draperies in interior architecture is defined by the. Windowless space of classical antiquity and little Windows of stained glass during the early Christian era did not require curtains that significantly reduce the illuminance of the living space. To talk about the systemic use of fabrics for window decorations, starting with the Romanesque style.

Romanesque style dominated in Europe in 1000-12500, and reached the highest peak in Germany and France. Romanesque architecture is heavy castle. It is dominated by thick walls, semi-circular doors, short and thick columns, the cross – bochco – shaped arches, semi – circular window.

A semicircle is a typical form of window in the Romanesque style . Through these Windows light penetrated weakly, for this reason the Windows were decorated cloth extremely low. It was the only cross curtains. Curtain pole (cornice) of the Romanesque era was round. Carved with a zigzag line she adorned the simple architecture of the interior. The furniture was made of dark wood. Along with cross curtains as protection from the cold served as rugs, and heavy draperies. Continue reading

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Churches, cathedrals, temples and monasteries of the Netherlands
St. Eusebius Church is the largest and most impressive temple of Arnhem. The construction of…


Facilities for surface water intake
Complex structures, which serve to extract water from the source is called the water intake.…


10 thousand years ago
To the rear of the junction she bent down. But then there is not a…

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Is it possible to build a house without a Foundation?
One of the main requirements to build a house without foundations is the presence of…
