Gothic architecture.
Architecture is the art of creating masterpieces, among which we live and which we admire every day. We pass by, not knowing how much effort, knowledge and talent invested in the seemingly ordinary in our opinion the building. In every age of the building and their architecture expressed the changes in society, in the formation of the state in public order and other things.
The term “Gothic” in the modern sense was first used by Giorgio Vasari to distinguish the Renaissance from the middle Ages. Gothic architecture originated in 1150 – 1550, in the North of France. This style not only architecture but also painting, sculpture, murals, etc., in the late Medieval period. It spread across Western and Central Europe, to a lesser extent in Eastern Europe. In part, it arose out of German culture. Also contributed to the emergence of a new style and Islamic culture, with its Crusades and products. This style is, first of all, the religious undertones that characterizes the Christian worldview. Gothic style became the platform for the displacement of feudalism because they were under pressure from the “free cities”. This contributed to the development of trade and craftsmanship in these cities, which in turn helped to gain Finance for construction,in addition to craft shops were preparing qualified specialists. Continue reading
Gothic cathedrals
Gothic, Gothic style arose and dominated the Western artistic culture immediately after romance. Gothic art originated in France around 1140 years and spread throughout Europe in the next century. The term “Gothic” applied to the late, high or classical ages. Gothic style served primarily the Church. The Gothic period is considered to be one of the greatest in the history of European art and culture.
Gothic style is most clearly represented in the architecture.
A characteristic feature of the Gothic style steel ribbed vaults. The medieval churches of the Romanesque style had a powerful stone arches, which were very heavy. They sought to shore, to push the walls outward, which could bring down the building. To keep such arches, the walls of the Romanesque buildings had to be thick and heavy. At the beginning of the 12th century, masons developed the ribbed vaults: slender stone arches, placed diagonally, transversely and longitudinally. These arches could rely just on columns, walls ceased to be load-bearing structures. In the construction so there was a real revolution. Continue reading
The Mystery Of Stonehenge
Stonehenge (Engl. Stonehenge, lit. “stone henges”) — a UNESCO world heritage stone megalithic structure (cromlech) on Salisbury plain in Wiltshire (England). Is about 130 km South-West of London.
A gigantic construction of Stonehenge is the stone Enigma in the very center of Europe, called this amazing monument is one of the researchers Dr. Omlor Trever. This ancient building, situated in England, Now archaeologists agreed that this architectural monument built in three stages between 3500 and 1100 BC
Stonehenge is a system of concentric circles with a diameter of more than a hundred meters, delineated the shafts, holes and large stones-megaliths. The stone blocks form the arches, which served as a perfect indicator of the world.
A circular ditch with two rooms, probably served as a cemetery. In a circle along the outer shaft located 56 small funeral “Aubrey holes”, named after John Aubrey, who first described them in the XVII century. To the North-East of the entrance to the ring was huge, seven-Heel stone. Continue reading