Architecture Venice
Venice embodies the harmonious mixture of different styles, which characterize different eras. The picturesque town…

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Megalithic structures
The idea of the existence of a relationship between the various monumental buildings, located in…

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Romanesque and Gothic style
VC connect draperies in interior architecture is defined by the. Windowless space of classical antiquity…


The stained glass Windows of Gothic cathedrals
"Sculpture of the Romanesque style" - Why? DONJON – the main tower of the castle,…


The most mystical and mysterious tourist routes
[caption id="attachment_236" align="alignleft" width="300"] SONY DSC[/caption] The rest is a relative thing and individual. And…


The most ancient structures in the world
Geological structure. Like North America, Eurasia millions of years ago was part of the ancient…



Cyclopean structures of antiquity

Not far from the ancient Rauza in the wilderness of the forest… there is a wonderful place – these are the ruins of some historical buildings, which consumed the stones of great magnitude, taken, apparently, from afar, because close to the stone brittle. The building was listed on the large space and tiled to half of the Windows; around at a considerable distance are the same large stones, and some of them are scattered in the same direction, towards the building field. The antiquity of this building show the century-old trees, growing within her, and long moss-grown wall. People’s imagination inhabits this mysterious place of spirits, calling it “devil’s ancient settlement”.

In the late nineteenth century the correspondent of “Kaluga gubernia news” visited devil’s Fort and also saw on the hill cyclopean construction of giant stones:

The road went first, ordinary dense forest, then opened up before us a valley with a ditch at the bottom, and after SIM the steep ascent of a high mountain…. On the way to the mountain we come across the unusual size of the stones. Climbing, or rather scarykiuys higher up the mountain, on the cliff we saw a big komennoista, covered with moss on the sides and trees at the top. Continue reading

The Church Of The Transfiguration

Picturesque village (and the city with the Magdeburg law) War lies with the highway Cherkassy-Kanev 30 km from the regional center. Unique terrain, where spreads the village is flat, partly swampy valley where the Robins and Moshny changes dramatically mountainous (up to 202 m) long ridge — Monogramy — here the first glacier in the last ice age. In Monohoro in the 19th century the owners of these lands Vorontsov ordered to build a large Park in the English style, to adorn his pavilions, rotundas, a high tower of Svyatoslav, and at the foot of the mountain is a luxurious Palace and even a zoo on the other side of the ridge — complex Sosnogorskogo ascension monastery. But the turbulent 20th century with its revolutions and wars did not spare either the Palace or the convent or the tower with the rotundas.

However, War has not ceased to be an interesting tourist attraction, because of the tireless count Vorontsov and his family in the village remained other architectural attractions, among which the main, one of the most interesting and unexpected sacred sites in Ukraine is the Church of the Transfiguration contained virtually in the heart of this rather big village. Continue reading

Lace Gothic Prague Castle

The place is known to everyone, and it is called Prague Castle. Today our tour guide will be already known by our previous walking man – Dr. Frantisek Kadlec, Director of the tourism Department of the Administration of Prague Castle. So, in order to understand when and why the Gothic style appeared in the Czech Republic in General and Prague in particular, let us look a little into history.

Then Charles IV decided to invite to Prague architect and the first architect who comes to Prague for the construction of the Prague Castle became a French architect Mathieu of Arras. In 1344 he laid the first stone of the future Gothic Cathedral. The Gothic style was very different from its predecessor is quite simple Romanesque style. Now we are in the so-called Third courtyard of Prague Castle, and the very structure of St. Vitus Cathedral speaks eloquently about what Gothic architecture is very luxurious and magnificent.

Mathieu of Arras was destined to work on the construction of the Cathedral for eight years. He died in 1352. Then Charles IV was forced to seek a new architect, and he found him in the person of a young native Austrian city of Gmunden Peter Parler, who at the time of arrival to Prague was only 23 years old. Continue reading

Architecture Venice
Venice embodies the harmonious mixture of different styles, which characterize different eras. The picturesque town…


The Romans adopted from the Greeks all their main achievements, including the steam baths. In…


Gothic furniture
Suppose you want to arrange a room or office in this Gothic style. Well, the…

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The first pyramids were built by the ancient Ukrainians?
The patriots have a new reason to be proud. As it turns out, Ukraine is…
