Gothic cathedrals
Gothic, Gothic style arose and dominated the Western artistic culture immediately after romance. Gothic art…

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List of megalithic structures and give a brief description.
Court decisions in States, decisions of arbitration tribunals and m/n commercial arbitration, adopted by them…

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The Romans adopted from the Greeks all their main achievements, including the steam baths. In…


Dobele castle
Castle and forest In 1729, the last inhabitants left the castle, and it has never…


Ancient technologies and structures: Peru
Blocks cut out of stone, perfectly adhere to each other. In the joints between two…


During the reconstruction of the Nesvizh castle have been discovered unknown underground structures
Correspondents BelTA has learned that during the reconstruction of the Nesvizh castle have been found,…



Peru and Bolivia long before the Incas

Another type of masonry, which attracted our attention in Cusco, has left a very ambiguous impression. This clutch of relatively small (although sometimes reach hundreds of kilograms) of mainly rectangular blocks of granite or basalt, laid without any mortar.

On the one hand, this style of masonry radically different from the megalithic polygonal. In addition, some of the houses where there are areas of walls with similar walls date back to the period already already after the Spanish conquest. On the other hand, there are a number of reasons, which makes you wonder about the possibility of creating of the masonry is not Spanish, and not even by the Incas, and a very different civilization.

First, the Spaniards, in full compliance with the building traditions and skills of the Old world – widely used solution. Laying stone blocks on each other without mortar for them it was unusual and even strangers. Continue reading


The Romans adopted from the Greeks all their main achievements, including the steam baths. In the Roman version, they were called the baths. The Romans appreciated the pleasure that gives hot steam. The Roman physician Asklepiad was a follower of Hippocrates in the usefulness of soft paired treatments. His point of view was the idea that in the human body there are little bits that need to move continuously to ensure that the man felt the energy and was able to work. When there is stagnation of these particles as a result of illness or prolonged immobility — it is necessary to give the body a “jolt” in the form of visiting the steam bath, so that these life giving particles again are in motion. As the poet Horace wrote: “Throw me the ball on the marble steps and go to the bath”. No less than the famous ancient Greek poet Ovid in the “Metamorphoses” described his dream to rejuvenate and believed that this will help him a magic tub of hot water.

However, it seems that you with all the imagination can’t imagine the size of Roman baths that were built in those days. According to the testimony of the Roman historian Marcelina, baths in area of space could rival a small city. One big Terma could occupy 12 hectares, and it was far from the limit. The fact that the baths were not only bathing facilities, but also social, cultural, sporting and entertainment facilities. Continue reading

The most mysterious places in the world

The world is full of fascinating and mysterious places. Today for you we have selected ten of the most mysterious places, which left us as an inheritance from our ancestors (or maybe aliens?). Look at these images and descriptions, possibly, everyone can make his conclusion from these stories.

1. Easter island, Pacific ocean (Isola di Pasqua)

More than 400 statues, like a clock, standing on the remote Easter island, and their presence adds to our lives a lot of mystery. There are many possible theories about their purpose: religious function (in order to curry favor with the gods as a result of exhaustion of the resources of the island), a symbol of protection, a place of worship. The mystery remains and probably will forever remain!

2. Machu Picchu, Peru (Machu pichu Peru)

Discovered in 1911, this abandoned city is located at an altitude of 2400 meters above sea level. It is situated between the Andes and the Amazon, and is a world heritage site. Machu pichu became the real treasure of Peru, it includes a fortress and temple devoted to the worship of the sun. The mystery of the ancient city far from being resolved and continues to fascinate experts, causing delight and curiosity. Continue reading

The meaning of the word megalithic
Have associated with special megalithic masonry and anthropomorphic stone sculptures on coming to America the…


Lace Gothic Prague Castle
The place is known to everyone, and it is called Prague Castle. Today our tour…


The most beautiful Gothic cathedrals.
Aachen Cathedral – one of the Imperial cathedrals of Germany, which for centuries were crowned…

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Is it possible to build a house without a Foundation?
One of the main requirements to build a house without foundations is the presence of…
