Founded in the year 1044 by Prince Yaroslav . Novgorod Kremlin — the oldest surviving in Russia Kremlins.
The history of the first Novgorod fortress dates back to the mid XI century . It was located on a small hill between two ravines where is now the Cathedral of St. Sophia with the adjacent area. When the princes of Novgorod, Vladimir Yaroslavich and Mstislav Vladimirovich (XI-XII century), the Kremlin has expanded and reached today’s size. Since ancient times there has been massive ramparts, on which at the end of the XV century were built stone walls and towers on the Italian sample.
To walk round the Kremlin in just half an hour. The length of its walls is 1350 m . the thickness reaches four. Of the twelve nine towers have survived . Five (the number of all administrative districts of Novgorod the Great) of them were travel and was a small architectural ensembles: a tower, gate Church. Continue reading
Underground construction
One of the structural units of Construction Association interbudmontazh, the company “Interbudtunnel” performs works on construction and installation of various underground structures, tunnels, engineering and transportation networks, as well as load-bearing walling of buildings and structures.
The company performs tunneling for various purposes in areas of high seismicity and complex geological conditions, as well as continuous improvement of the tunnels.
Interbudtunnel is a member of International tunneling Association (ITA) and a member of the International Association of horizontal directional drilling.
The company is equipped with modern and progressive. machines and mechanisms, necessary for the performance of all complex of works on construction of tunnels. Material and technical base “Interbudtunnel” includes three of the tunnel system ( two with a diameter of 6 m and one d 3.75 m), rolling stock, materials handling machinery, excavation equipment, Autonomous diesel power and ventilation systems, power equipment, surveying instruments and equipment, life support equipment, machinery for construction “wall in the ground”, equipment for drilling and blasting: drilling rigs, hammers, tunnel excavators, loaders, lifts, the shotcrete installation. Continue reading
Mysterious Stonehenge
The harsh and inhospitable terrain seems plain of Salisbury in southern England. Icy chilly winds blow here all year round. Viewing a blog about travel. found an interesting photo of stone mounds in England. In the Neolithic period, about five thousand years ago, there survived in the harsh conditions the people about whom we know very little. Bronze age people and their descendants left behind something special. It strikes the imagination of mankind even today. Mounds stone rings and megalithic culture produce an indescribable impression.
Stonehenge is one of famous monuments of this culture. This is a special temple of eternity. If you look at the temple from the height of bird’s flight, he will reveal the secret of their structure. Blocks of stone built in the shape of a variety of rings and horseshoes. They are arranged around a Central point. The stone giants are the rampart and a deep ditch. Archaeologists were able to solve the who, when and how built the Stonehenge. Why was this temple built? To this question the answer is still not found. Continue reading