Cyclopean structures of antiquity
Not far from the ancient Rauza in the wilderness of the forest... there is a…

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Underground construction
One of the structural units of Construction Association interbudmontazh, the company “Interbudtunnel” performs works on…

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Pyramids of Giza - the history of the ancient monument of Egypt
Normally, under the concept of "pyramids of Giza" modern man understands only the complex of…


The Church Of The Transfiguration
Picturesque village (and the city with the Magdeburg law) War lies with the highway Cherkassy-Kanev…


The Church Of The Transfiguration
Picturesque village (and the city with the Magdeburg law) War lies with the highway Cherkassy-Kanev…


List of megalithic structures and give a brief description.
Court decisions in States, decisions of arbitration tribunals and m/n commercial arbitration, adopted by them…



The BRONZE AGE (around the 2nd Millennium BC)

With the improvement of method of production, there are new tools made of copper and bronze. Occurs the first major social division of labor, increasing wealth inequality. Then the craft separated from agriculture, is the second major division of labor. All this played a crucial role in the development of civilization. In the Nile valley, in Mesopotamia and China established a slave system, the first class of the state. All this led to the development of different spheres of human spiritual activity.

The overwhelming significance of monumental architecture associated with the development of religious beliefs, the cult of ancestors and nature. These were megalithic structures – menhirs (gr. meg). – a large, lit – rock) – single cigar-shaped stone pillars with a height up to 20 m (Brittany, France); sometimes they stretched in parallel rows for several miles (“the Stone army” – the Caucasus, Armenia; the alley of menhirs in Brittany); Continue reading

The most mysterious places in the world

The world is full of fascinating and mysterious places. Today for you we have selected ten of the most mysterious places, which left us as an inheritance from our ancestors (or maybe aliens?). Look at these images and descriptions, possibly, everyone can make his conclusion from these stories.

1. Easter island, Pacific ocean (Isola di Pasqua)

More than 400 statues, like a clock, standing on the remote Easter island, and their presence adds to our lives a lot of mystery. There are many possible theories about their purpose: religious function (in order to curry favor with the gods as a result of exhaustion of the resources of the island), a symbol of protection, a place of worship. The mystery remains and probably will forever remain!

2. Machu Picchu, Peru (Machu pichu Peru)

Discovered in 1911, this abandoned city is located at an altitude of 2400 meters above sea level. It is situated between the Andes and the Amazon, and is a world heritage site. Machu pichu became the real treasure of Peru, it includes a fortress and temple devoted to the worship of the sun. The mystery of the ancient city far from being resolved and continues to fascinate experts, causing delight and curiosity. Continue reading

Mysterious Stonehenge

The harsh and inhospitable terrain seems plain of Salisbury in southern England. Icy chilly winds blow here all year round. Viewing a blog about travel. found an interesting photo of stone mounds in England. In the Neolithic period, about five thousand years ago, there survived in the harsh conditions the people about whom we know very little. Bronze age people and their descendants left behind something special. It strikes the imagination of mankind even today. Mounds stone rings and megalithic culture produce an indescribable impression.

Stonehenge is one of famous monuments of this culture. This is a special temple of eternity. If you look at the temple from the height of bird’s flight, he will reveal the secret of their structure. Blocks of stone built in the shape of a variety of rings and horseshoes. They are arranged around a Central point. The stone giants are the rampart and a deep ditch. Archaeologists were able to solve the who, when and how built the Stonehenge. Why was this temple built? To this question the answer is still not found. Continue reading

Churches, cathedrals, temples and monasteries of the Netherlands
St. Eusebius Church is the largest and most impressive temple of Arnhem. The construction of…


The mysterious stones of the planet
Science has reached the depths of the sea and the heights of space, but still…


Early megalithic structures of Asia Minor
Large ceremonial structures IX Millennium BC have been discovered in Asia Minor. They belong to…

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In the Syrian desert discovered mysterious structures
Robert Mason of the Royal Ontario Museum (Canada) discovered in Syria, a mysterious stone circles…
