Dobele castle
Castle and forest In 1729, the last inhabitants left the castle, and it has never…

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Dobele castle
Castle and forest In 1729, the last inhabitants left the castle, and it has never…

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Romanesque and Gothic style
VC connect draperies in interior architecture is defined by the. Windowless space of classical antiquity…


The Church Of The Transfiguration
Picturesque village (and the city with the Magdeburg law) War lies with the highway Cherkassy-Kanev…


The most ancient structures in the world
Geological structure. Like North America, Eurasia millions of years ago was part of the ancient…


The most mystical and mysterious tourist routes
[caption id="attachment_236" align="alignleft" width="300"] SONY DSC[/caption] The rest is a relative thing and individual. And…



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The Church Of The Transfiguration

Picturesque village (and the city with the Magdeburg law) War lies with the highway Cherkassy-Kanev 30 km from the regional center. Unique terrain, where spreads the village is flat, partly swampy valley where the Robins and Moshny changes dramatically mountainous (up to 202 m) long ridge — Monogramy — here the first glacier in the last ice age. In Monohoro in the 19th century the owners of these lands Vorontsov ordered to build a large Park in the English style, to adorn his pavilions, rotundas, a high tower of Svyatoslav, and at the foot of the mountain is a luxurious Palace and even a zoo on the other side of the ridge — complex Sosnogorskogo ascension monastery. But the turbulent 20th century with its revolutions and wars did not spare either the Palace or the convent or the tower with the rotundas.

However, War has not ceased to be an interesting tourist attraction, because of the tireless count Vorontsov and his family in the village remained other architectural attractions, among which the main, one of the most interesting and unexpected sacred sites in Ukraine is the Church of the Transfiguration contained virtually in the heart of this rather big village. Continue reading

Early megalithic structures of Asia Minor

Large ceremonial structures IX Millennium BC have been discovered in Asia Minor. They belong to the era of the emergence of agriculture and animal husbandry in the society, under the influence of or directly from it happened later middle Eastern and European Neolithic. Structures are a large circle patterns, based on megalithic columns (3 m or more) of solid hewn stone. The most ancient of nowadays known are the temples of Göbekli Tepe and Nevali-Chori. In the Göbekli Tepe thus far excavated only four churches out of about two dozen. The diameter reaches some 30 m. On the columns there are bas-relief images of animals (foxes, boars, lions, birds, snakes and Scorpions) [6]. Although these temples are the oldest megalithic structures on Earth, it is unknown how they are related to European megaliths [7] .

European megaliths

Megaliths are prevalent worldwide mainly in coastal areas. In Europe they mostly date back to the Eneolithic and bronze age (3rd — 2nd mill B. C.), with the exception of the British Isles. Continue reading

During the reconstruction of the Nesvizh castle have been discovered unknown underground structures

Correspondents BelTA has learned that during the reconstruction of the Nesvizh castle have been found, unknown to the present day underground structure .

The Radziwill Palace, known to many tourists, is famous not only for those buildings, which are located on the earth’s surface, and their cellars, crypts and dungeons. During the reconstruction of the castle, as reported by the supervisor of the restoration work Sergey dromic, it was a new underground structure of impressive size, located under the ramparts and destroyed in the XVIII century. But recently about its existence no one suspected! During the reconstruction was also able to find new collectors, communications, wells; “back to life” two of the underground passage, once providing for the siege of the castle for a long time (they were mentioned in the documents of XVIII century).

Now all structures located under the ground, ready to receive visitors, and over time it will house the exhibition. Continue reading

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Ancient structures: pyramids
Our ancestors had access to some mysterious knowledge and technology, through which millions of years…


Ancient structures: pyramids
Our ancestors had access to some mysterious knowledge and technology, through which millions of years…


Megalithic structures
The idea of the existence of a relationship between the various monumental buildings, located in…

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The Church Of The Transfiguration
Picturesque village (and the city with the Magdeburg law) War lies with the highway Cherkassy-Kanev…
