Underground pyramids in Crimea
The topic is close to me. Ran into her in the study of its main…

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Megalithic structures
The idea of the existence of a relationship between the various monumental buildings, located in…

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Ancient structures: pyramids
Our ancestors had access to some mysterious knowledge and technology, through which millions of years…


The most mystical and mysterious tourist routes
[caption id="attachment_236" align="alignleft" width="300"] SONY DSC[/caption] The rest is a relative thing and individual. And…


30 meter high earth mound at White lake was built by the giants?
Thirty meters cyclopean constructions of earthworks in the city of Belozersk of the Vologda region…


Gothic furniture
Suppose you want to arrange a room or office in this Gothic style. Well, the…



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Gothic rebus

One of the most beautiful buildings of Paris, praised by Victor Hugo, the legends and myths. A mystical image of Notre-Dame-de-Paris became an international symbol of the middle Ages, where magic is intertwined with faith and the deeper meaning of the true doctrine eternally encoded in the unique sculptures and stained glass Windows.

Notre Dame Cathedral, a magnificent structure, is able to simultaneously accommodate up to nine thousand members, is built on the Western edge of the île de La Cité in the XII century.

1. On the site of a pagan temple

For a thousand years before Christ there lived a small Gallic tribe. 400 years later the Romans came here, for which island surrounded by the waters of the Seine, was a natural fortress. On the spot where now stands the Cathedral, they erected the temple of Jupiter. Continue reading

Cyclopean structures of antiquity

Not far from the ancient Rauza in the wilderness of the forest… there is a wonderful place – these are the ruins of some historical buildings, which consumed the stones of great magnitude, taken, apparently, from afar, because close to the stone brittle. The building was listed on the large space and tiled to half of the Windows; around at a considerable distance are the same large stones, and some of them are scattered in the same direction, towards the building field. The antiquity of this building show the century-old trees, growing within her, and long moss-grown wall. People’s imagination inhabits this mysterious place of spirits, calling it “devil’s ancient settlement”.

In the late nineteenth century the correspondent of “Kaluga gubernia news” visited devil’s Fort and also saw on the hill cyclopean construction of giant stones:

The road went first, ordinary dense forest, then opened up before us a valley with a ditch at the bottom, and after SIM the steep ascent of a high mountain…. On the way to the mountain we come across the unusual size of the stones. Climbing, or rather scarykiuys higher up the mountain, on the cliff we saw a big komennoista, covered with moss on the sides and trees at the top. Continue reading

The BRONZE AGE (around the 2nd Millennium BC)

With the improvement of method of production, there are new tools made of copper and bronze. Occurs the first major social division of labor, increasing wealth inequality. Then the craft separated from agriculture, is the second major division of labor. All this played a crucial role in the development of civilization. In the Nile valley, in Mesopotamia and China established a slave system, the first class of the state. All this led to the development of different spheres of human spiritual activity.

The overwhelming significance of monumental architecture associated with the development of religious beliefs, the cult of ancestors and nature. These were megalithic structures – menhirs (gr. meg). – a large, lit – rock) – single cigar-shaped stone pillars with a height up to 20 m (Brittany, France); sometimes they stretched in parallel rows for several miles (“the Stone army” – the Caucasus, Armenia; the alley of menhirs in Brittany); Continue reading

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Cyclopean structures of antiquity
Not far from the ancient Rauza in the wilderness of the forest... there is a…


Romanesque and Gothic style
VC connect draperies in interior architecture is defined by the. Windowless space of classical antiquity…


Megalithic structures
The idea of the existence of a relationship between the various monumental buildings, located in…

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Gothic architecture.
Architecture is the art of creating masterpieces, among which we live and which we admire…
