The most ancient structures in the world
Geological structure. Like North America, Eurasia millions of years ago was part of the ancient…

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Architecture Venice
Venice embodies the harmonious mixture of different styles, which characterize different eras. The picturesque town…

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The most ancient structures in the world
Geological structure. Like North America, Eurasia millions of years ago was part of the ancient…


In Torun is full of beautiful places!
Torun is one of the most beautiful cities in Poland, situated on the North of…


Pyramids of Giza - the history of the ancient monument of Egypt
Normally, under the concept of "pyramids of Giza" modern man understands only the complex of…


The most magnificent Gothic cathedrals in France
Chartres Cathedral The Cathedral in Chartres (XII-XIV centuries) is considered one of the most beautiful…



Most mystical places in Ukraine

Such tourism like visiting mysterious places , recently starting to gain popularity. And after all, how many uncharted trails in Ukraine, mysterious places in this country, of which just captures the spirit of every traveler.

Most mystical places located in Western Ukraine. This mysterious castles, abandoned town hall, the ancient and unexplored to the present time… the Carpathian caves, this place just breathes with mysteries and legends. In addition, there is to date live different wizards, healers, known as the molfars, who are able to predict not only the fate, but can change its course for humans, especially when they turn to the forces of nature. In fact, probably no wonder, such a mysterious people found in present popularity.

Castles Of Transcarpathia

In the regional center of the region, Uzhhorod has a wonderful castle, which is a stone building of the XI century and it is famous for a Ghost girl that wanders within its walls. Continue reading

Peru and Bolivia long before the Incas

Another type of masonry, which attracted our attention in Cusco, has left a very ambiguous impression. This clutch of relatively small (although sometimes reach hundreds of kilograms) of mainly rectangular blocks of granite or basalt, laid without any mortar.

On the one hand, this style of masonry radically different from the megalithic polygonal. In addition, some of the houses where there are areas of walls with similar walls date back to the period already already after the Spanish conquest. On the other hand, there are a number of reasons, which makes you wonder about the possibility of creating of the masonry is not Spanish, and not even by the Incas, and a very different civilization.

First, the Spaniards, in full compliance with the building traditions and skills of the Old world – widely used solution. Laying stone blocks on each other without mortar for them it was unusual and even strangers. Continue reading

The stained glass Windows of Gothic cathedrals

“Sculpture of the Romanesque style” – Why? DONJON – the main tower of the castle, home of the feudal Lord. Robert. Diagram of a medieval castle – city. Capstone. The Basilisk, who kills with a glance, symbolizes death. The most important sign of Romanesque sculpture – conditional. Romanesque sculpture has opened new sides of reality – the images of the monstrous and ugly.

“Architecture” – Checking of mastering of a material. The Architecture Of Ancient Greece. The Church Of Notre-Dame The Grand. France (1211-1330 gg). The Cathedral in Milan (1836-1856.). Castles in Romanesque style. Classicism. France. Peter and Paul Cathedral. Saint-Petersburg. (1712-1733 years). Westminster Abbey in London (1245-1745 gg). The Art Of Ancient Egypt.

“Gothic architecture” – a Tower with a spire above the crossing, increase the height of the Cathedral up to 108,5 meters, was built in 1765-1769, and the facade was finished in the XIX century. Milan Cathedral — the largest establishment of Gothic architecture in Italy. Gothic architecture. The Gothic Cathedral is always perceived as a living being, in the eternal growth that fast, it is barely noticeable. Continue reading

Peru and Bolivia long before the Incas
Another type of masonry, which attracted our attention in Cusco, has left a very ambiguous…


To buy, order gazebo in Nikolaev and in the South of Ukraine
As it turned out, the idea of creating a cosy corner for relaxation in the…


The stained glass Windows of Gothic cathedrals
"Sculpture of the Romanesque style" - Why? DONJON – the main tower of the castle,…

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Dobele castle
Castle and forest In 1729, the last inhabitants left the castle, and it has never…
