The most ancient structures in the world
Geological structure. Like North America, Eurasia millions of years ago was part of the ancient continent of Laurasia. From other continents of the globe it features an extremely complex crustal structure. This is the result of a long and complex geological history of its development.
Gigantic in size Eurasia is not only all Eurasian lithospheric plate . But some of the other Indo-Australian . Along the line of collision, the crust is crumpled in folds – they formed the Alpine-Himalayan fold belt . Therefore, the mountain that appeared in this zone, located on the fringes along the coast, as on other continents, and inland and southern parts of Eurasia. Along the East coast of the mainland stretches another fold belt Pacific . arising at the junction with the Pacific lithospheric plate.
Fold belt are seismic zones, where the intense movements of the earth’s crust, earthquakes and volcanoes. The largest active volcano in Europe within Mediterranean seismic belt is Hekla, Etna and Vesuvius . Active volcanoes of Asia – Klyuchevskaya Sopka, Fuji, Krakatoa, and others – are Pacific seismicheskogo. Continue reading
Dobele castle
Castle and forest
In 1729, the last inhabitants left the castle, and it has never lived. The surrounding people noticed it and began to slowly disassemble the walls and buildings, using stones for the construction of their homes and farm structures.
We decided to go to one of the most sacred and the most mysterious places of Latvia, on the way stopped in the town of Dobele is to inspect it and what is left of the ancient castle there. The route is a pleasant, interesting, exactly on the day. First on the itinerary was a castle.
Once in our limits came the sword-crusaders, they just did what they built fortresses and fortified castles. Historians all built counted and found that in the period from 1185 to 1562 in the year in the territory of Latvia was erected about 150 castles. About because the exact number impossible to establish, because a lot of built was completely destroyed, as a building material disappeared up to the last stone. And some of the locks, being of wood, burned down to the present day have not reached at all. Continue reading
The space of the Gothic Cathedral
Romanesque cathedrals are majestic and simple. Their huge, strong and, maybe, even a little severe internal space set to a festive thought. The space of the Gothic Cathedral always amazed at the sophistication of some of the interior decoration. Streaming through the huge stained glass window light, if you can split it into hundreds and thousands of coloured lights, gives the whole space a colorful character, melodic world, quite unlike the harsh and everyday that is left outside of the temple.
Pillars of colored light, Lancet Windows completed, sprouted flowers and leaves, and spires of countless canopies over the statues, bunches of slender columns — everything as it strives to enthrall you up to the mysterious, the unknown boundary, beyond which there is eternal joyous bliss. The Gothic temple is colorful and ornate.
It creates a feeling of festive joy. This beautiful Reims Cathedral.
Art historians certainly would be called no less beautiful Gothic churches in France, England and Germany. But in France the new style was born. Continue reading